
Policy Priorities

As need continues to grow and programs that serve the hungry need constant and consistent support, it is vital we do all that we can to ensure that vulnerable people have the food they need.

State Policy Priorities

1. Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP)
The Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP) helps provide nutritious food in every community in the Commonwealth through funding the four state food banks (Merrimack Valley Food Bank, The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, the Worcester County Food Bank, and GBFB).

ASK: $47 million in FY25 budget (Budget line item 2511-0105)

Learn more about the program in the FY23 MEFAP Annual Report.

2. Hunger-Free Campuses
GBFB co-leads the MA Hunger-Free Campus Coalition, an effort to promote food access among college students at two- and four-year public higher education institutions in Massachusetts.

ASK: Support H.1293 / S.835 in FY23-FY24 legislative session and $2M in FY25 budget request.

3. Healthy Incentives Program (HIP)
GBFB supports the MA Food System Collaborative campaign to expand SNAP recipients’ ability to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables directly from farmers through full and permanent funding of the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP).

ASK: $25M in FY25 budget (Budget line item 4400-1004).

4. Cash Assistance for Families in Deep Poverty
GBFB supports the Lift Our Kids coalition that aims to raise cash assistance grants to keep up with cots of living and until the maximum grant reaches half the federal poverty level.

ASK: Support 10% increase to cash assistance grants and H.144 / S.75 in FY23-24 legislative session.

5. Tax Relief
GBFB supports the Healthy Families Tax Credits Coalition which aims to pass robust and inclusive tax relief for families with low incomes.

ASK: Expand the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and pass the Child and Family Tax Credit (CFTC)

6. Nutrition and Cash Benefits for Immigrants
GBFB supports the Feeding Our Neighbors Coalition that aims to restore state-funded food and cash benefits for legally-residing immigrants denied federal SNAP and cash assistance.

ASK: Support H.135 / S.76 in FY23-FY24 legislative session and FY25 budget request.

Federal Policy Priorities

1. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) supports food access for low-income seniors. GBFB oversees this program for 2,700 MA seniors and is the only administrator for the state.

ASK: Ensure adequate funding, expand eligibility, and maintain MA’s current caseload for CFSP in the Farm Bill.

2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
As our nation’s first line of defense against hunger, SNAP helps more than 40 million low-income Americans afford food. In Massachusetts, for every 1 meal distributed by a food bank, SNAP provides 5 meals.

ASK: Protect and strengthen SNAP, extend increased benefit limits in the Farm Bill.

3. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
This USDA program supplements the diets of low-income Americans, particularly senior citizens, by providing emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost.

ASK: Invest and streamline USDA food assistance programs, increase TEFAP funding in the Farm Bill.

4. Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
WIC provides critical nutrition services for low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5. Food programs during and after school, and summer meal programs included in the Children Nutrition Reauthorization are essential to ensuring every child has access to nutrition needed to thrive.

ASK: Support full funding for WIC.

5. Child Tax Credit
The Child Tax Credit (CTC), a tool proven to lift children out of poverty, provides tax relief to working families.

ASK: Expand and pass the CTC.

Partner with us

For more information, contact Kate Adams, Public Policy Manager, The Greater Boston Food Bank at

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