
Cause Marketing

GBFB appreciates collaborating with community partners to create cause marketing promotions that promote their brand while also supporting our mission to end hunger here.

Price Rite check presentationCause marketing partnerships with GBFB provide opportunities to develop tailored, mutually beneficial partnerships that:

  • gain exposure for your organization and reinforce your organization as a good corporate citizen
  • enhance your brand recognition
  • engage employees and customers in a cause that is critical in the community
  • provide platforms for promoting and retaining store traffic

Studies show that customersemployees and stakeholders respond well to cause partnerships and are making choices for patronage and employment based on your corporate social responsibility efforts.  Cause Marketing partnerships, sponsorships and philanthropic gifts are an effective way for you to address this. 

  • Nearly 75% of respondents report an increase in leaderships’ CSR expectations or demands due to COVID-19. ACCP & Rocket Social Impact 2020
  • 88% of Americans are more willing to forgive a company for making a mistake if it genuinely tries to change and 73% say they are less likely to cancel a company if it is Purpose-driven. Porter Novelli’s 2021 Business of Cancel Culture Study
  • When consumers think a brand has a strong Purpose, they are 4.1 times more likely to trust the company. Zeno’s 2020 Strength of Purpose
  • 73% of respondents believe that a company can take actions that both increase profits and improve conditions in communities where it operates. Edelman’s 2020 Trust Barometer
  • Most (75%) Americans say that they typically donate some amount of money to charity every year. About one-third (32%) say they’ve donated during an in-store checkout at a grocery store or drug store. 2019 YouGov Survey
  • 75% of companies offering giving and volunteering have two times more engagement than companies only offering giving or only offering volunteering. The B2B Purpose Paradox 2020 (Carol Cone on Purpose, ANA and The Harris Poll)

Thanks to our operational efficiencies, 92 cents of every dollar raised through a cause marketing campaign or fundraising event goes directly towards our hunger-relief efforts. 

Check out our current campaigns.

Getting Started

  1. Please review our Cause Marketing Guidelines that outline the campaign approval process, as well as additional information about partnering with us.
  1. Please complete and submit this short questionnaire and a GBFB staff member will get back to you within 3 business days.

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