Are you currently operating a feeding program, food pantry, or other program that distributes food to those in need? Please fill out this form and someone from The GBFB Capacity Team will follow up with you to discuss the opportunity for partnership with The Greater Boston Food Bank.
Not sure if you qualify for membership? Please see our criteria for membership below.
We review all membership inquiries based upon the criteria for membership below, local food insecurity statistics, currently available community resources, the type of program you operate, and the extent of your ability to serve those in need.
For more information, please visit the Agency FAQ section. Still have questions? Please contact our Capacity Team at capacity@gbfb.org.
Criteria for Agency Membership
- Must be an established and ongoing feeding program, in operation for a period of at least three months and serving the needy at least twice a month. The program must serve a clientele, the majority of which is low income. Municipalities are ineligible. Written guidelines for distribution must be submitted with The Greater Boston Food Bank application.
- Must be a public charitable organization with a Federal Non-Profit Tax Exempt Status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
- Provides on-site and/or emergency food at no cost to individuals who qualify. The Agency must not charge for GBFB items or require donations in exchange for food. Agency must not publicize or impose any requirement for clients to show photo identification or Social Security card in order to obtain food.
- Upon GBFB request, the Agency must show proof of funding sources for GBFB items.
- May seek and accept donations from individuals other than those individuals receiving food. The Agency may not actively solicit donations from clients.
- Demonstrates ongoing food and fund raising and be financially self-sustaining.
- Must not sell or exchange GBFB products for money or services, distribute GBFB product to other agencies, or use GBFB items for fundraising purposes. The member agency must provide GBFB items to needy clients and must not use GBFB items for any other purposes.
- Assumes responsibility for GBFB products after they are removed from any of GBFB’s facilities or vehicles. Must have adequate refrigeration, freezer, and dry storage space to insure the safety and wholesomeness of food until used or distributed. Must keep GBFB items distinct from those of other programs, staff, or personal use.
- Must provide restricted access and lock-up capacity for all GBFB food. Food must be stored in designated food storage areas away from possible sources of contamination. All food storage areas must be kept clean and sanitary. All food must be stored at least six inches off the ground and away from the walls. Grains, cereals, sugars, etc. must be stored in sealed containers to guard against pests. Chemicals and cleaning supplies must be stored separately from food. The Agency agrees to rotate food in storage so that the oldest products are distributed first. No repackaging of food or stockpiling is permitted. No storage is allowed at private homes.
- Agrees to maintain the proper temperature of all food received, stored, and distributed to clients. Shelf-stable food will be stored between 50°F to 70°F. Refrigerated foods will be stored at 41°F or lower. Frozen foods will be stored at 0°F or lower. The temperature of all food storage areas will be monitored.
- Must meet all local and state health department requirements and show evidence of compliance within a reasonable period of time upon GBFB request.
- Agrees to support the operation of GBFB by contributing a shared maintenance fee on designated items as established from time to time by Feeding America and GBFB and communicated in writing to the Agency.
- Will provide appropriate transportation to GBFB, or related distribution sites, and personnel to help load vehicles within a reasonable time.
- Will keep appropriate records as required by GBFB and make such records available upon GBFB’s request. All GBFB invoices must be kept for at least four years.
- Agrees to a preliminary site visit by a GBFB representative as well as follow-up site visits at least every two years as required by Feeding America so that the relationship may be mutually and periodically evaluated. The Agency acknowledges that such visits may be unannounced.
- Must receive product at least once per month and distribute GBFB product at least twice per month.
- If an emergency food provider must attend and pass a food safety class or possess a valid Food Protection Manager Certification (e.g. ServSafe®) in compliance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- If it is a congregate meal program, will provide proof of valid food establishment permit and at least one Food Protection Manager Certification, as mandated by the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- If program is an emergency food pantry, will provide proof of valid Permit to Operate as mandated by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- Food pantries must serve at least 50 households each month; hot meal programs must serve at least 50 clients monthly; and residential programs must serve at least 15 clients daily.
- In order to facilitate the safe distribution of product from GBFB’s warehouse or remote locations, designated shoppers can speak, read and understand English.
- Must follow GBFB’s Accounting Procedures, including timely invoice payment within 30 days, and submit a satisfactory Credit Application.
- Will require at least one authorized representative, with valid GBFB issued identification card, to be present at each order pick up who will assume responsibility for all agency representatives, including such representatives’ adherence to all GBFB shipping policies and safety practices.
- Must have access to a computer for online ordering and submitting monthly service reports.
- Will complete and submit a Monthly Service Report within the specified time frame, 12 times per year. GBFB reserves the right to review such records and use these statistics to track hunger trends as needed and agrees to keep such records confidential.
Criteria for Pantry Membership
- To be eligible for GBFB membership, Agency, or sponsor of the participating pantry, must have been operating as a public charitable non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status for at least three months.
- The Agency’s pantry must have either: (a) Regular posted hours and days of distribution, or (b) A posted delivery schedule to clients’ homes and a regular contact person available by phone during business hours.
- The Agency’s pantry must pick up once per month and distribute to the public at least twice monthly.
- The Agency must submit written guidelines for distribution with its application for GBFB membership, including pantry operation procedures and procedures for determining eligibility to receive food distributions.
- Pantry must keep a written log of food distributions, including dates and number of individuals served.
- Stockpiling of GBFB product is prohibited. All GBFB products are to be distributed within two months from pick up date and rotated on a first in first out basis.
- If the Agency operating a pantry is a CHURCH: (a) The church must have an active congregation, a specific place of worship and regular services. (b) The church must submit to GBFB a valid 501(c)(3) determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service or a letter from the denominational headquarters stating that the church is a member in good standing. (c) The church must not require any person to attend a religious service, make a statement of faith, pledge money, membership and/or volunteer in exchange for food. (d) The church must not use GBFB product for any other programs except those approved by GBFB. Churches must not use GBFB product for retreats, Sunday school, convents, church fellowship functions or any other institutional uses.