
Merrill Forman: A Sweet Story of Dedication and Compassion

Published on July 1, 2024
Merrill during one of her recent visits to volunteer at the GBFB Yawkey Distribution Center in Boston.

Behind the scenes at GBFB, amidst the towers of food and bustling volunteers, lies a sweet story of dedication and compassion. It’s the story of people like Merrill Forman, who have found purpose, community, and fulfillment in giving back.

“I have been aware of The Greater Boston Food Bank for as long as I can remember,” says Forman, “I began volunteering there thanks to an invitation from a friend to join her group for a day of volunteering during COVID, and I welcomed the opportunity to lend a hand.”

Stepping into GBFB for the first time, the sheer scale of the operation and magnitude of need in the community took her breath away. Ever since, Merrill has enjoyed volunteering one day a week at GBFB. She believes it’s important to help uplift others in any way that she can and modestly model the values of compassion and caring.

She understands that every dollar donated and every hour volunteered brings us one step closer to ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.

“I worked in education for over 30 years. I saw what it was like for families whose kids didn’t have enough to eat, how hard it was for them to concentrate, to learn, and to thrive.” —Merrill

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