The number of people in Eastern Mass. experiencing food insecurity is expected to increase by 59% because of the COVID-19 crisis.
New food insecurity data from Feeding America demonstrates the need for Congress to double-down on its investments in SNAP.
Through a unique new partnership, The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) is helping airline workers stay employed.
We need government partners and their resources brought to bear to stand with us in our work to meet the rising demand for food.
The generosity of our donors throughout this crisis has been overwhelming, providing us critical financial support for those in need.
YMCA Southcoast created and held its first mobile market with support from GBFB and Bristol Community College.
Emma and Aaron bring home bags of fresh healthy food for their family every month from the Medway Village Food Pantry.
Since the COVID-19 crisis began, The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) has been working tirelessly to safely scale up our operation.
Everyone has a role in ending hunger and there are many ways to help. Beyond giving money, giving time can be just as rewarding.
The strength and compassion of our community was on full display at our Mobile Market at Cambridge Health Alliance – Revere (CHA) on Saturday, April 4.