Guest Blogger: GBFB Boston Marathon Runner, Brian Reh, Victor, NY. I’m proud to say that this is my third year in a row running for The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB)! I ran the 2012 heat wave. During 2013, I was on Boylston Street when the bombs went off at the finish line. I had just completed the race about 25 minutes earlier and it will remain a day that the world will never forget. For 2014, I am looking forward to hearing the roars from the crowd for 26.2 miles. It is going to be a special year for runners and spectators to show what “Boston Strong” really means. My wife and kids are active volunteers at our local food cupboard in Victor, NY. Their experiences have opened my eyes to the enormity of our nation’s hunger crisis and I am honored to be one of three runners this year running for GBFB to help end hunger here. GBFB is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England and among the largest food banks in the country. My fundraising will help GBFB acquire nutritious food to distribute to those in need throughout Eastern Massachusetts. I have tasted what it feels like to cross the finish line of endurance sports. Words don’t capture the physical and emotional rush that comes with such a moment. And when you add the environment of an iconic event like Boston and running for such an important cause, it’s just impossible to reproduce anywhere else in life. I’m excited to have that experience this year. If you haven’t already, please check out this video I made last year. I hope it inspires you to donate below so I can reach my goal!