
Help With GBFB’s Paper Plate Campaign

Published on September 4, 2012

September is Hunger Action Month, a time to take initiative to help spread awareness of hunger in the United States. We all have a role in ending hunger in our community, and we would love to know how you are playing yours.

Hunger affects every district in Massachusetts. With food prices increasing and USDA funding decreasing, more and more of our own residents will become food insecure. In order to secure additional funding for hunger relief, we will need your help. The Paper Plate campaign enables GBFB clients, friends, volunteers and donors to unite and help GBFB send a message to Massachusetts legislators next spring. The empty paper plate is symbolic and meant to represent someone who goes without food. So here’s how you can help. Please take a moment, grab a plate and tell your experience with hunger, or what you’re doing to help end hunger. If you had one thought to share with legislators, what would it be? Don’t forget to add your zip code to the bottom of your message. This will ensure that your message is delivered to the person representing your district.

For the social media savvy: When you’re done, tweet a picture of your plate using #paperplate or post it to our Facebook page.

We also welcome you to mail your paper plate to: The Greater Boston Food Bank Paper Plate Campaign 70 South Bay Ave Boston, MA 02118

Your participation in this campaign will be extremely helpful as we lobby for emergency food assistance next year.

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